Platelet-Rich Plasma For Breast Augmentation: How it works
“You start out happy that you have no hips or boobs. All of a sudden you get them, and it feels sloppy. Then just when you start liking them, they start drooping.”
— Cindy Crawford
Just like men associate (some of) their masculinity with the shape and size of their muscles, women associate (some of) their femininity with the shape and size of their breasts. However, unlike muscles, exercise won’t help augment the size of breasts. Fortunately, there are various procedures available, and today, we’ll explore how Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) can aid in breast augmentation.
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Breast Augmentation
PRP and Breasts: The Incorrect Perception
Currently, traditional breast augmentation procedures like breast implant surgery and fat grafting are the most effective methods. However, the general public often misunderstands PRP’s role in breast augmentation. Here’s a typical conversation between a patient and a dermatologist:
Patient: “Hey, I heard about this thing called PRP, and I was told it’s just a couple of injections with stuff drawn from our own blood.”
Doctor: “Yeah, they are really good.”
Patient: “Really? You think so? I also heard they’re good for breast augmentation. Can you do it for me?”
This is usually followed by the doctor explaining how PRP is a healing tool, not an implant tool.
How Platelet-Rich Plasma for Breast Augmentation Works
PRP can be used in two primary ways for breast procedures:
Fat Transfer and Platelet-Rich Plasma for Breast Lift
Fat transfer involves taking unwanted body fat via liposuction from other parts of the body and processing it before injecting it into the upper part of the breast and cleavage area. This provides immediate enhancement. However, the sudden expansion can cause blood vessels to block, leading to sensitivity loss in some parts of the breasts or nipples.
To avoid this, it’s best to ensure sufficient collagen and growth factors are supplied. This is where PRP comes in. The doctor adds PRP, derived from the patient’s own blood, to the fat during processing. The end product, containing many blood-derived growth factors and collagen for skin rejuvenation, is then injected like a typical PRP injection. The result is firmer breasts with changes in size, skin texture, and breast shape, without sensitivity loss. Some call this procedure the Platelet-Rich Plasma Facelift. Results generally last from 9-18 months.
This procedure boosts the confidence of many women but is not recommended for those with:
- Extreme loss of volume
- Excessive sagging
- Previous breast implants
Only Platelet-Rich Plasma for Breast Rejuvenation
This procedure is purely for rejuvenation. It’s for women satisfied with their breast size but looking to rejuvenate the skin, restore fullness, and regain sensitivity. The process involves drawing 20ml of the patient’s blood, spinning it twice in a tabletop centrifuge, and then injecting it into the necessary areas. PRP injections not only enhance appearance but also produce new tissues, resulting in better cleavage and fullness.
Additional Perks
Some professionals believe that traditional breast implants by a board-certified plastic surgeon are the gold standard. However, natural methods like PRP are becoming the new gold standard. Unlike artificial implants, PRP does not require cutting into the breasts, which means no scars and no need for replacement after 10 or 20 years.
“It wasn’t just her beauty. It was the attitude in her smile, the tilt of her head, and the loving look in her eyes when she caught me sneaking a peek down her shirt.”
— John L. Monk, Kick
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Platelet-Rich Plasma For Melasma — Will It Fade Forever?
For most women, a tiny pimple on the face is enough to ruin their day or week. Even the slightest imperfection that may have a 1% chance of getting noticed by others can be distressing. For these women, melasma is their darkest nightmare. It’s a common issue, often resulting from sun exposure, that causes brown patches on the face. Unfortunately, these patches are often permanent.
The Typical Journey of Melasma Sufferers
If you’re suffering from melasma, the road to “recovery” usually looks like this:
- Hope for Natural Fading: You hope that it’ll fade away on its own.
- Home Remedies: Your friend suggests you try apple cider vinegar and lemon juice treatment.
- Dermatologist Visit: Slightly disappointed, you visit a dermatologist who’ll prescribe a bleaching cream (hydroquinone or similar).
- Full-on Disappointment: The treatment doesn’t work as expected.
- Research: You Google the hell out of the topic and feel overwhelmed by the information.
- Concealers and Makeup: Concealers and makeup become your best friends to cover the patches.
At this point, no one can convince you there is a treatment for getting rid of melasma. Trying more and more treatments only runs the risk of making the condition worse. So, what would you do?
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Melasma
What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?
According to recent Turkish and Malaysian studies, Platelet-Rich Plasma is showing great promise for melasma. One of the good things about PRP for melasma is that it won’t make the condition worse, unlike IPL, Fraxel, or other treatments. It’s like getting a natural facial treatment with a whole lot of potential benefits, even if it doesn’t help cure melasma.
How Does PRP Work for Melasma?
PRP injections work by supplying growth factors to reduce pigmentation. Being an independent treatment with no downtime, it can be done in conjunction with conventional treatments for melasma to add and enhance effects. PRP contains more than 30 bioactive substances that play roles like increasing skin volume and adding new blood vessels.
Platelet-Rich Plasma with Microneedling
Combining PRP with Microneedling
This is the most common combination for Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy. The combination has produced results for a variety of skin pigmentation issues, making it a valuable option for melasma, especially when creams and peels haven’t helped. More importantly, PRP’s ability to stimulate collagen production in the area tightens the pores and makes your skin glow.
Why Platelet-Rich Plasma?
The Science Behind PRP
PRP is primarily a healing vehicle. It needs to be injected into the membrane below the skin. It works by supplying the underlying skin membrane with collagen and tenascin stimulated by the transforming growth factors in PRP. These growth factors also promote the formation of new blood vessels, sometimes resulting in the disappearance of spider veins.
The released growth factors (mainly platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-ß)) stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts and epidermal cells, and collagen synthesis. Additionally, TGF-ß has been proven to inhibit melanogenesis — or reverse skin pigmentation — the exact opposite effect of exposure to UV-B radiation.
Treatment Results and Maintenance
Typically, patients see excellent results with 2-3 PRP injections in the first 3 months. Clinical studies have shown that the effects maintain after 6 months. However, melasma is known to recur even after successful treatments. Therefore, you must take precautions by using sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection and an SPF of 30 or higher. Avoiding harsh skincare products is also essential as they can exacerbate melasma.
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What’s True About Platelet-Rich Plasma For Stretch Marks?
Cindy is a career woman. When she became pregnant for the first time, she was torn between prioritizing her work and taking care of her growing body. To avoid drowning in that confusion, she kept herself busy with work all day while snacking during her free time. This led to rapid weight gain. Occasionally, her experienced sister would remind her to apply Bio Oil on her growing tummy before bed, but she was too exhausted to do it regularly. It wasn’t until after she delivered her baby that she realized her folly – her belly now looked like a road map.
What Works for Stretch Marks?
There are a variety of topical treatments, with those containing cocoa butter being trendy, but they hardly affect severe stretch marks. They perform better when used as preventive measures because fully developed stretch marks are rarely skin deep. The stretching occurs in the dermis layer underneath the surface. The inability of the epidermis to keep up with the stretching causes the appearance of deep roads of stretch marks.
One way to “cure” stretch marks, or at least reduce their appearance, is to make the skin surrounding the stretch marks more even with the stretch marks themselves. This can be achieved through various minimally invasive “scarring” technologies like microdermabrasion, microneedling, and CO2 fractional laser.
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Stretch Marks
How Platelet-Rich Plasma Works
Platelets can supply growth factors wherever healing is initiated. So unless healing is initiated or is still ongoing (which is not the case with fully developed stretch marks), the injected Platelet-Rich Plasma may not produce its excellent results.
That’s why in forums you can hear a lot of advice from doctors who claim Platelet-Rich Plasma can’t help stretch marks. In fact, that’d be the first thing I’d say if someone asked me. However, what if we could artificially initiate the healing? Not only in the outer epidermis layer, but also in the underlying dermis layer too? Now, that’s an excellent opportunity to put the growth factors in Platelet-Rich Plasma to good use, wouldn’t you agree?
PRP Microneedling for Stretch Marks
How PRP Microneedling Works
PRP microneedling involves swapping Vitamin C, used in traditional microneedling, with Platelet-Rich Plasma. This is traditionally called a Platelet-Rich Plasma facial because you’re essentially spreading blood components over your face. This is particularly effective for the face, but it can provide even better results for stretch marks.
Getting to the Root of the Problem
With microneedling, tiny holes are punched in both the outer epidermis layer and the inner dermis layer of the skin. These holes are so micro that they restore back to normal within minutes or hours. However, during the time they’re open, a healing response is triggered. Triggering a healing response in the inner dermis layer means there’s going to be some improvement in the stretch marks, as that’s where the source is. The procedure also removes unwanted, half-dead cells from the outer skin, causing the stretch marks to appear less deep.
Accelerated Healing with PRP
PRP accelerates the healing response triggered by the microneedles, and it must do so during the time the holes are open. So immediately after the microneedling, a concentrated gel of PRP is applied and massaged well enough for the platelets to seep through the holes. These platelets first stop the micro-bleeding caused by the microneedles, and then the growth factors in the platelets trigger the production of a substantial amount of collagen. Collagen’s primary role is the replacement of dead skin cells, which means it’ll replace all the dead, broken, and torn skin cells in the entire area. The result is fresh new skin in the areas of the stretch marks, causing them to shrink in size and look more rejuvenated.
Why Platelet-Rich Plasma?
The Healing Power of PRP
Platelet-Rich Plasma is a powerful healing component, initially discovered in 1987. Surgeons found that autologous platelet-rich plasma and red blood cell concentrates diminish the cost of healing for cardiac surgery, meaning faster, efficient, and natural healing for patients. The same force that heals cardiac surgery can also rejuvenate our skin or any other organ in the body. We’re only beginning to uncover the healing potential found in Platelet-Rich Plasma. Studies show that PRP can even heal bones.
PRP vs. Topical Products
It’d be foolish not to use such a potent, natural healing agent for skin rejuvenation purposes. Microneedling seems to be just what Platelet-Rich Plasma needs to exercise its healing powers. It’s much better than stockpiling topical products that might “cure” stretch marks, such as scar creams, retinoids, and peptides.
The Sooner, the Better
Studies show platelets are more efficient when introduced right after wound initiation. The same applies to stretch marks. As soon as you see those marks, it’s better to head straight to the clinic and get a Platelet-Rich Plasma + microneedling session to heal them. The longer you wait, the harder it gets to remove them. So stop experimenting with topical creams—they’re meant to be used as preventive measures.
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Platelet-Rich Plasma For Bone Healing: Myth or Fact?
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has a proven record for healing soft tissues and other living tissues. But can it actually heal bones? This could mean PRP, when applied to an affected area such as an elbow joint, knee, or backbone area, heals everything within its reach, including bones. Is that really why PRP works? Let’s examine.
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Bone Healing
Bones are not just lifeless matter attached to living tissues. They are as much living as the tissues themselves and are constantly changing. Old bone cells are broken down and replaced with new ones in a three-part process called bone remodeling. This involves resorption (digestion of old bone cells), reversal (birthing of new cells), and formation (new cells turn into fully formed bones).
This process, like other biological processes in the body, requires hormones and growth factors. Some of these include parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitriol, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs), prostaglandins, tumor growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP), and cytokines. For this discussion, we need to remember only one thing: a large number of cytokines and growth factors are involved in the bone remodeling process. This means we can accelerate the bone remodeling process by supplying these cytokines and growth factors as suggested by various studies.
Why Platelet-Rich Plasma?
Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), being completely “whole and natural,” can more closely simulate a highly efficient in-vivo situation than anything else made up of artificial recombinant proteins. In PRP, we take advantage of the biological benefits of growth factors whose functions we know as well as those we do not know yet. From the 15+ factors we know are in PRP, including platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), platelet factor 4 (PF4), interleukin 1 (IL-1), platelet-derived angiogenesis factor (PDAF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), platelet-derived endothelial growth factor (PDEGF), epithelial cell growth factor (ECGF), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), osteocalcin (Oc), osteonectin (On), fibrinogen (Fg), vitronectin (Vn), fibronectin (Fn), and thrombospontin-1 (TSP-1), we’re supplying a “holistic” set of nutrients for healing that cannot be mimicked by those obtained artificially.
PRP: Organic Fertilizers for the Body
The difference with PRP is akin to adding chemical fertilizers versus organic fertilizers to plants. Chemical fertilizers are rich in essential nutrients that we know are needed for crops. On the other hand, organic fertilizers supply nutrients not only to the plants but also to the soil, improving the soil structure and tilth, water-holding capacity, reducing erosion, and promoting slow and consistent release of nutrients to the plants. Clearly, organic fertilizers are better, aren’t they?
Platelet-Rich Plasma is like organic fertilizers for our body.
Bonus: Strong Antimicrobial Properties
PRP’s healing function also has synergistic antimicrobial properties. A new study confirms that using Platelet-Rich Plasma in surgeries may have the potential to prevent infection and reduce the need for costly post-operative treatments. That’s a nice bonus for the organic fertilizer of our bodies. Perhaps there are more benefits to discover.
The scope of Platelet-Rich Plasma is growing as the scientific community continues to unearth its inherent properties. PRP is an unignorable and unavoidable component of healing.
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7 PRP Treatments That Are Popular Right Now
The time it takes to draw a patient’s blood, add a little citrate, and use a centrifugal machine with a PRP kit is only 15-20 minutes. This is the amount of time needed to create Platelet-Rich Plasma, or PRP. This can then be used for many purposes, including speeding up a patient’s recovery. PRP is by far the best healing agent that has growth factors and platelets to help with the healing process, which is also completely free and natural to obtain.
What are The Advantages Of Using PRP Correctly?
It is easy to create PRP simply by placing blood in a centrifuge, but it can have very few, if any, platelets and would otherwise be useless. However, with the right equipment, you can make PRP with up to 7x the amount of platelets. This can be amplified by using fat tissue and collagen fibers to create a PRP matrix.
7 Popular PRP Treatments
1. Facial Treatments
Many skin centers are thriving due to being one of the first to adopt PRP therapies. With the lack of side effects or downtime, it became incredibly popular. These treatments include wrinkle reduction, skin rejuvenation, dark circle and bag erasure, rosacea treatment, and even lip augmentation. One popular and generic treatment option includes combining PRP and a treatment known as microneedling. When this is applied, its effects are similar to Botox or facelifts, for far less cost and side effects.
2. Hair Loss
PRP growth factors can be beneficial when it comes to reversing non-genetic early-stage hair loss. Despite there being a huge market for this, almost no practitioners actually utilize it. Many clients have seen promise after hair thinning, and many have seen beard regrowth over time.
3. Arthritis and Cartilage
Arthritis treatments alone cost patients 6.4 billion dollars in 2013 for the US alone, with projections of up to 9 billion by the end of the decade. However, unlike other treatments, PRP is seen as the only treatment that can not just reduce symptoms but also regrow the cartilage. One of the most popular examples would be treatments for Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis.
4. Anti-aging Properties
When it comes to the anti-aging market, there are endless treatments and procedures available. Yet, none of them even stand close to the effectiveness of PRP therapy. PRP combined with microneedling can be highly effective for stretch marks, acne scars, breast augmentation, and even skin conditions like Lichen Sclerosus.
5. Pain Relief and Musculoskeletal Healing
There are numerous treatments in this category, many of which are incredibly more effective than leading treatments. These include healing rotator cuffs, tennis elbow, Achilles tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, back pain, hip and pelvic problems, degenerative disc disease, golfer’s elbow, labral tear, bursitis, neck pain, avascular necrosis, and even pain related to nerve regeneration. Almost all of these treatments, unlike those in other categories on this list, also use ultrasound guidance when injecting the PRP directly into the affected tissue. This can allow patients to see fantastic results in as little as two weeks.
6. Fertility
Ovarian rejuvenation is where PRP is injected directly into a woman’s ovaries. This is meant to help reverse menopause and help lower fertility issues. This treatment can even be used for sexual regeneration. Although similar, this treatment is not the same as other treatments where PRP is injected into the vagina and is supposed to treat looseness, dryness, low sex drive, and incontinence.
7. COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Allergies, asthma, and COPD are among the growing list of conditions that PRP is being used to treat. For this to work, the PRP is mixed with a saline solution and then, using a nebulizer, inhaled, helping to regenerate lung tissue. Although it can take up to two months for patients to see the effects, many are seeing improvements. Almost 1 million people suffer from COPD a year, so anything that can help treat the condition is beneficial.
The Future of PRP
PRP has been trending rather well in recent years and seems to be here for the long term. Not only is it a fully natural remedy, but it is one that works better than most, if not all, traditional treatments. Many like it due to the fact that there are few side effects, it only takes a short amount of time, and there is no recovery period.
PRP has been adopted by thousands of clinics and practices throughout the US and the world. The demand for these treatments has been increasing almost faster than practices are choosing to provide them. Many patients are even willing to travel long distances just to receive these treatments.
So, are you providing PRP treatments yet?

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How Foot and Ankle Surgeons Can Benefit From PRP
Since it is a new science, many people are skeptical about Platelet-Rich Plasma, otherwise known as PRP. There are some studies out there that state that PRP works no better than a similarly administered placebo, but there are many other studies and doctors that claim that PRP works and works well. This also works well at a much lower cost and with fewer side effects than traditional medicine. One branch where the skepticism is loud and clear is podiatry, which deals with feet and ankles. Trying to combat this skepticism can help many surgeons to lower complication rates, improve patient satisfaction, and have better outcomes. For instance, here is a list of cases where PRP has been effective for the feet and ankles.
Plantar Fasciitis
PRP has become rather common as a treatment for Plantar Fasciitis, with many studies to prove the efficacy of this treatment. For instance, Dr. Daanial Kassicieh of Sarasota Neurology claims that PRP is one of the most effective treatments for this condition and that PRP can actually fully cure it. Many of his patients have avoided surgery just by utilizing PRP therapy. This is done with no downtime, no rehabilitation, and no side effects. This would explain why plantar fasciitis is the 5th most popular medical condition treated by PRP. This can be explained by the fact that over 3 million people are diagnosed with this condition and no other treatment really works for it besides, in fact, PRP.
Achilles Tendonitis
This is another condition that can be fairly hard to treat and gets worse over time unless healed. Many surgical approaches are often tricky and generally do not end up with good results. Because of this, the main treatment option is simply to give patients corticosteroids to reduce the pain, but really nothing else to treat the symptoms. However, there have been many studies done that have shown that PRP is a lot more effective, including those from the European Foot and Ankle Society. This means that PRP is a safer and more effective alternative than any other treatments available.
Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Diabetic foot ulcers can be troublesome, especially when they do not heal or heal properly. Over 2.5 million Americans with diabetes suffer from these ulcers. About 11% of these cases may need amputation of the affected limb. However, some studies have noted that just one injection of PRP and a topical solution bi-weekly started to heal the ulcers in just 8 weeks. Topical PRP has also been shown to work better than antiseptic creams as well.
Regenerating Bones
Bone regeneration is most commonly needed in the foot and ankle area. Although mechanical stabilization works best, the utilization of PRP has been surprising. PRP helps with healing bones and soft tissue at the damage site. According to a recent systematic review of 64 articles, the conclusion was to include more PRP therapy into the healing of foot and ankle bones. The science behind this is solid. For bone or tissue to form, three things are needed in the area:
- A scaffold for the growth to take place
- Biological stimulants to signal proteins
- Stem cells that provide bone-building potential
All three of these are crucial for bone formation. PRP can provide at least two of these, so there is no reason to ignore it when it comes to bone regeneration.
Ankle Sprains
This is an incredibly common condition and can be effectively treated by using PRP therapy. In one randomized controlled trial, researchers studied the effects of PRP injections on athletes with ankle sprains. This study showed that not only did PRP reduce the healing time by 20 days, but they also experienced much less pain. This can reduce the recovery period from 6 weeks to just about 2 or 3 weeks.
Immobilization is Vital
When it comes to foot and ankle-related injuries, one thing that really cannot be avoided is rest and rehabilitation. This is true regardless of whether PRP is administered. Because of this, many of the studies that show PRP to be ineffective often don’t use rest and rehabilitation, and that alone can be an issue. PRP is in no way a magic pill. All foot injuries need rest and rehabilitation in order to properly heal. With these two combined, it can drastically reduce healing times.
How Can Foot and Ankle Surgeons Benefit?
Using PRP in foot and ankle injuries is not going anywhere, so utilizing it would be the best way to go. Test it out with your patients, and try using platelet-rich plasma therapy instead of simply prescribing pills or doing costly surgeries. Your patients will thank you in the end.

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Why Should you Include PRP In Your Medical Practice?
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has been a lifesaver for many medical practices, reigniting physicians’ passion for medicine. Not only is it 100% derived from the patient’s own body, but it is also natural and comes with minimal side effects. PRP can treat a wide range of medical conditions, often outperforming other treatment options.
The Simplicity of PRP
One of the most compelling reasons to include PRP in your practice is its simplicity. With an initial investment of about $1000, you can start offering PRP therapies. The equipment is relatively inexpensive and pays for itself quickly.
Long-Term Popularity
PRP is not a passing trend. It has been gaining popularity for years and shows no signs of slowing down. The market for PRP therapies is expected to reach nearly $500 million within the next decade, with an annual growth rate of 12.5% since 2015.
High Patient Satisfaction
Patient satisfaction is another significant advantage. In certain cases, satisfaction rates have been as high as 95%. Patients are often surprised by the efficacy of PRP, believing that their conditions could not be reversed or halted without side effects, downtime, and invasive surgeries.
Meeting the Growing Demand
Now is the time to start including PRP in your practice. The supply is low, but demand is booming. PRP therapies hold great promise, especially when combined with other treatments to increase efficacy. Since no standard has been established, you have the opportunity to set these standards yourself.
Be a Pioneer in PRP Therapy
It is vital that more doctors utilize PRP therapy to become pioneers in this field. PRP has the potential to revolutionize medicine, and missing out would not be a smart option.
Versatility Across Specialties
PRP can be utilized in almost every field and specialty, from sports medicine and pain management to skin rejuvenation, hair care, and even urology. Most physicians who use PRP treatments have also seen higher patient retention rates.
Conclusion: A Smart Addition to Your Practice
So, is there a legitimate reason not to add PRP to your practice? With its simplicity, high patient satisfaction, growing popularity, and versatility, PRP is a smart addition to any medical practice. Start offering PRP treatments and watch your practice thrive.

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How To Choose A Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Kit
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) extraction methods have sparked debate due to varying reliability. Understanding how to select the best PRP kit can resolve these concerns and optimize treatment outcomes.
The Importance of Using a PRP Kit
Merely centrifuging blood in a test tube—often termed “bloody PRP”—is ineffective and may contain excessive red and white blood cells, potentially causing post-injection flare-ups. In contrast, PRP kits can concentrate platelets up to 5-7 times baseline levels, crucial for effective treatment.
Characteristics of a Good PRP Kit
Choosing the right PRP kit hinges on its ability to control platelet concentrations and eliminate unwanted cells, tailored to specific medical conditions.
Gel Separators
Kits with gel separators separate blood components via osmosis, retaining plasma and platelets while removing red and white blood cells. This method achieves modest platelet concentrations.
Buffy Coat
PRP kits that feature a buffy coat layer offer higher platelet concentrations (5-7 times baseline). The buffy coat, composed of platelets and white blood cells, is separated from red blood cells to minimize contamination.
Buffy Coat with Double Spin
Optimal for PRP quality, this kit further purifies the buffy coat by eliminating red blood cells through a second spin. This results in highly concentrated PRP with minimal red blood cell presence.
Biosafe Kit
Regarded as one of the best on the market, the Biosafe kit provides precise control over PRP production. It yields approximately 10cc of product, which can be double-spun for optimal platelet concentration. Users can customize the final product by choosing the inclusion or exclusion of red blood cells.
Understanding Leukocyte-Poor PRP
Leukocyte-poor PRP excludes white blood cells, which some believe may trigger inflammation and hinder growth factors. However, others argue that leukocytes are crucial for healing responses, promoting tissue regeneration and enhanced growth factor presence.
Choosing Filters for Leukocyte Reduction
To achieve leukocyte-poor PRP, practitioners can utilize Leukocyte Reduction (LR) filters like the CIF-LR filter, which efficiently separates white blood cells via electrostatic attraction. This ensures minimal clogging and filters out up to 99.99% of white blood cells.
Supporting Evidence for PRP
Despite skepticism, PRP’s efficacy is backed by extensive scientific research spanning decades and over 6000 studies. Patient willingness to pay out-of-pocket further underscores its perceived effectiveness, highlighting its growing popularity despite insurance coverage limitations.
Conclusion: Integrating PRP Into Practice
Choosing the right PRP kit is pivotal for optimizing treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction. With its proven benefits and increasing demand, integrating PRP into your medical practice offers a promising opportunity to enhance patient care and treatment efficacy.

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A Guide To PRP Therapy
PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy has revolutionized treatments in rheumatology, offering effective solutions for musculoskeletal conditions like joint issues and swelling. Here’s everything you need to know about integrating PRP into your practice.
Benefits of PRP Therapy in Rheumatology
PRP therapy is a game-changer in rheumatology, providing a non-invasive alternative to surgery with minimal risk and maximum efficacy. Despite initial skepticism, PRP has proven instrumental in alleviating symptoms and enhancing patient outcomes.
Factors Influencing PRP Treatment Success
Successful PRP treatments depend on several factors:
Platelet Concentration
Utilizing a quality PRP kit is essential for concentrating platelets 5-8 times above baseline levels. Adimarket offers reliable kits that optimize platelet concentration, crucial for treatment efficacy.
Role of White Blood Cells
PRP formulations with white blood cells can expedite healing by removing dead cells and bacteria. Variants like Red Blood Cells and Platelet Serum provide additional options based on treatment needs.
Anti-Coagulants and Buffers
Using anti-coagulants during PRP preparation prevents clotting but may increase blood acidity, affecting growth factors. Incorporating buffers before injection can mitigate acidity, preserving growth factor efficacy.
Clinical Evidence Supporting PRP
Numerous studies validate PRP’s effectiveness across various conditions:
- Subacromial Tendonitis: PRP significantly reduces the need for surgery compared to traditional treatments like bupivacaine and methylprednisolone.
- Epicondylitis: PRP shows substantial improvement rates, surpassing outcomes achieved with corticosteroid treatments.
- Plantar Fasciitis: PRP demonstrates superior outcomes over corticosteroids in long-term symptom relief.
- Knee Osteoarthritis: Systematic reviews highlight PRP’s superiority over hyaluronic acid in enhancing knee joint cartilage.
Integrating PRP Into Rheumatology Practice
Embracing PRP enhances patient care by offering a safe, effective, and economical treatment option. Early adoption allows rheumatologists to lead in innovative medical practices, benefiting millions of patients seeking alternatives to invasive procedures.
Conclusion: Embrace PRP for Enhanced Patient Care
PRP therapy is not just a passing trend but a transformative approach in rheumatology. With its proven track record and increasing popularity, incorporating PRP into your practice is a proactive step towards achieving superior patient outcomes.
By partnering with Adimarket for reliable PRP kits and equipment, rheumatologists can deliver cutting-edge care that meets the growing demand for safe and effective treatment options.
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Three popular PRP Treatments for Skincare
Thousands of skincare centers across the nation provide at least one kind of PRP treatment. However, most do not go any further than micro-needling with a topical solution. This is mainly because it is far simpler than all other methods, and it is incredibly popular. However, it would make more sense for many practices that have invested in equipment to add PRP injections as well.
PRP Is Growing Substantially
Regardless of what is being treated, the protocol for obtaining PRP is the same: draw the blood, place it in the centrifuge, and then extract the PRP from the rest of the material. This simplicity, combined with PRP’s vast usability, can create significant and mind-blowing advances in modern medicine.
This includes skincare, as the PRP obtained from patients can be used in a plethora of ways. Here are a couple of examples of what can be performed by dermatologists and plastic surgeons worldwide.
Skin Augmentation
Adding a topical solution of PRP combined with microneedling can help regenerate dying skin cells and make the skin feel soft. Although this will probably work for most clients, many might want more. For instance, if you want to plump up the face, injecting PRP into the dermis can provide both beauty and a healing process.
If you want to create volume, you will need a filler. One way to do this is by using a Platelet-Poor Plasma filler (PPP), often left over from the PRP process. You can also use Hyaluronic Acid. A combination of these with PRP has been known to provide wonderful results, with some clinicians boasting a 100% success rate.
Vitiligo Correction
Many companies spend millions of dollars to find out how to turn defective cells healthy again, often looking into DNA technology. However, simply utilizing PRP may provide the same results. Some studies have shown that adding CO2 laser therapy for correcting vitiligo to a PRP treatment can increase its effectiveness by four times. This can also be beneficial in other areas, such as correcting wrinkles and even acne scars. So combining PRP treatments with conventional therapies can boost the effects tremendously.
If PRP can help boost the effects of lasers, it may also boost the effects of other skin therapies. This is a great opportunity to continue the work you do, but this time more effectively due to a simple method. Hundreds of skincare facilities are already providing this for their clients.
Hair Rejuvenation
Mesotherapy is a common treatment that utilizes microinjections to deliver medication throughout the skin’s surface. This procedure has provided great quality results by adding peptides and vitamins to the mix. However, one of the best ways to incorporate this into your practice is by using PRP therapy.
Mesotherapy can also be used to provide an even amount of PRP all over the body, including the face, neck, hands, etc. This helps to rejuvenate the skin and reduce wrinkles, discoloration, and stretch marks. However, it works best for hair loss treatments. In fact, adding PRP to mesotherapy has exceeded the industry’s expectations.
This is why PRP therapy is something every skincare clinic should offer. Since hair loss affects both men and women, it is important to make your treatments as effective as possible. Your patients will benefit from it, and satisfaction will rise. Is there any other reason to put it off?
“But I Never Heard Of Them!”
Some of these treatments and combinations are incredibly new, so new that many might not have heard of them before. This is why signing up to use them as soon as possible is vital. This way, you can be a step ahead of the competition when it comes to providing great services.
The demand for PRP is only growing over time, and the sooner you can get on board, the better off your practice will be. If you are interested in learning more about PRP therapy or checking out our line of PRP equipment, visit the Adimarket website.
PRP provides more effective treatments in less time, for less money, and with more satisfaction. Many practices have put their trust in this treatment and have been reaping the long-term benefits. PRP is here to stay. Are you ready to seize the potential of this great medical revolution.
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